The sky is blue today. I get the chance to take pictures of the little growths in my garden.
Here's the coming-soon blooms on my bougainvillea.
This plumbago auriculata was deadheaded to the very last cause the plant just wilted away during the drought. Now they too have new growth.
Plumbago auriculata next to the sweet basil.
New buds on the hibiscus tree.
New buds of the hydrangea.
Purple anglelonia biflora with their buds next to the aster that hasn't got any buds yet.
Buds of the roses.
Buds of the dessert rose or adenium obesum.
Buds of the Codiaeum variegatum or pokok puding.
Dianthus' buds
Buds of cananga odorata (pokok bunga kenanga).
The bud of my canna (bunga tasbih).
And finally, can you see the little coming-soon 'bud'erfly?
The ever beautiful sky for the day.